Connecticut College
Expose - The Journal of Interdisciplinary Inquiry at Connecticut College

Submission Standards

Please read the guidelies below and then submit your work (for CC students only, all others use e-mail).

General Information
Expose is published two times during the academic year by the students of Connecticut College. Viewpoints expressed in any issue and on this web site do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or Connecticut College. Original copyright holders retain and reserve all rights for individual works. Contributing authors and readers are reminded of their obligations under the Honor Code to respect the intellectual property rights of others.

To be considered for publication, submitted materials must be correctly formatted in a discipline-appropriate manner. Major professional associations, like the APA and the MLA, provide guidelines which are overwhelmingly accepted as satisfactory citation methods. Works which do not strictly adhere to the guidelines established by these organizations may still be submitted, but, if accepted, must be reformatted by the contributing author.

Once deposited, works are considered anonymously by the Board of Editors who meet to review and select the pieces which will make up the current issue. Authors of both included pieces and those which were not selected for publication will be notified, in writing, of the Board's decision only after the submission deadline has passed. Authors may submit more than one piece for consideration, however, as the goal of Expose is to foster academic dialogue across the campus, it is unlikely that more than one submission per author will be accepted.

Submission Forms
Prior to publication, all authors must sign and return a release acknowledging that their submission is wholly of their own creation. This release is now vailable online, along with an electronic submission form which will allow you to upload the works you would like to have considered for submission. If you choose to submit either via email ( or the drop box at the Circulation Desk in Shain, you will be asked to sign a paper copy of this release.

How to Submit
Submissions are accepted in three ways:
1. Online (preferred)
2. Email
3. Drop box, Circulation Desk, Shain Library



Copyright 2006 Expose, all rights reserved.